Monday 23 March 2015

Edna Post 3

Blog Post 3

February 29, 329 BC

Its been a week since I have wrote in my journal. Its only a little while longer until I reach Shanghai. Where did we leave off? Oh yeah. That annoying boat driver dropped me off and I had to take a horse the rest of the way, which by the way, wasn't much better than riding in that boat. Da fell off the boat twice, and me being my heroic self, I helped him up. Okay fine, I was the one who fell off. Anyway, the rest of the way I am walking, and I am trying to find a place near the end of the Yangtze River to start living. There isn’t many homes for very far, and all I see is mostly cows and hills. Well, I better start walking I guess. I’ll write as soon as I get into civilization.

April 5, 329 BC

Okay, I’m back, and I have am in a city named Nanjing. Its been almost two weeks since I last wrote, and not much has happened since. Here I have decided to buy a horse, because that will be way better than walking, mostly because my bunions have grown to the size of a prune. Ahh prunes. I haven’t had one for a few weeks now. Well, the sooner I leave this place and arrive in Shanghai, the better. As I am walking, I notice tons of statues, all of them looking fairly new. A bunch of people are walking the streets right now, and I will probably be find someone with horses in a matter of minutes. Some people are even on horses right now. I might have to stop off and see if I can stay at someones house first. I am feeling EXHAUSTED right now. I have done the math, and I would have to walk for about 80 odd days, ten miles a day, just to get to shanghai. I need to get that horse. Well, see you in a little bit.

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